In here you can find Instructions about how to play TetriNet, News concerning the game and some TetriNet General Info. like the game itself or some Server IPs to play in so you can get started. Enjoy!
St0rmCat's Introduction and Help file for Tetrinet
(taken from St0rmCat's TETRINET.TXT Help file -with slight
changes- )
- (game explanation)
- (explanation of inventory feature)
- (explanation of winlist)
- (explanation and features)
- (what moderators are for)
- (what is and how to set up a TetriNet server)
- (what a client is)
- (explanation of teams)
TetriNET v1.13 PUBLIC
Gee, Tetris? What's that?
Yeah, yeah, so it's beendone
2 billion times before,
but this is different!
Yes, all you tetris addicts
out there be prepared for even
Internet Tetris! Now you
can play your five best
buddies in one of the most well
known games in
TetriNET is for Windows95/NT
machines and WILL NOT RUN
operates best on a display
capable of 256 colors or more.
If your screen resolution
is 640x480, you may have to
set your windows taskbar to
auto-hide while playing to see
both windows entirely.
According to how the server
has modified the settings,
occasionally a sphere block
with a letter will appear in
your playing field. When
you make one or more lines with
any of the lines containing
one or more of these special
blocks, the special blocks in
the lines will be added
to your inventory which is located
near the bottom of the
window. These special
blocks do different things to players.
Each effect for the special
blocks will be explained below.
The more lines you clear at
the same time and the more
special blocks that are in those
lines will put more
special blocks in your inventory.
A player loses when
his/her blockstack reaches the
top of the field. The Winner
is the player left after the
other players have lost.
Again, Depending on how the server
has modified settings,
you will gain a level (or more)
overtime you clear
out a certain amount of lines.
When you gain levels,
the fall speed of the blocks
coming down will increase
making it harder to find a decent
place for the
blocks. The maximum level
you can be at is 100.
As said above, special blocks
are added to your inventory
when you clear lines with special
blocks in them. You
are only able to use the special
block inside the red
box. The red box cannot
be moved or the game would be
incredibly easy. The description
of what the special block
does to a player is located
to the left of the inventory.
To use the current special block,
press the player number of
the player you want to attack.
If the special block is a
GOOD block, use it on yourself
by pressing your player
Here is a list of all the special blocks:
* 'A' Block:
This is the add line block. It will add
a "junk line" to the players field that
you choose.
$ 'C' Block:
This is the clear line block. It clears
the line farthest to the bottom in the
playing field.
$ 'N' Block:
This removes all blocks from a playing
field giving the player a "fresh start".
* 'R' Block:
This removes 10 random blocks from
a player's field.
* 'S' Block:
This switches your playing field with
another player's field depending on which
player number you pressed. If either of
the fields' block stack is over 16 blocks
high, the stack will be lowered.
* 'B' Block:
This removes all special blocks from
a players field.
$ 'G' Block:
This "gravity" block takes all the blocks
on the field and "pulls" them all towards
the bottom of the field eliminating any
gaps in the blockstack.
* 'Q' Block:
This causes each of the lines of blocks
on a players field to randomly shift left
or right or not at all.
* 'O' Block:
This is the block bomb, when used on a
player, it clears 3x3 portions on their
field anywhere there are 'o' blocks.
Any blocks that were in the 3x3 areas
are scattered around the field.
Blocks with a '*' at the beginning of the line
are ATTACK special blocks; use these on
other players.
Blocks with a '$' at the beginning are DEFENSE
blocks and should be used on yourself because
they are GOOD
You can also press the letter
'D' and it will discard
the first block in your inventory.
When your inventory becomes full,
any special blocks
you get cannot go into your
inventory. You
will have to use up some of
your inventory blocks.
The win list keeps track of
how points each person
or team has. The person
or team with the most points
is at the top. A player
or team gets 3 points
when they are the last standing
in a game. 2 points
to the player/team that is the
last person to lose
and 1 point to the 2nd to last
When a team wins, their team
name is put in the
win list along with a <T>
in front of it to show
everyone that it's a team and
not a person.
The win list on each of the player's
clients are
the same. The server can reset
the win list at any
time by pressing the 'Reset
Winlist' button on the
Server screen.
This is where the players connected
to the server can
talk among each other.
You can do bold/underline/italic
by surrounding the text you
want affected with characters
made from pressing CTRL B/U/I
respectively. You
can also do actions on the partyline
by typing:
Next to the partyline box is
a list of all the players
currently connected to the server.
The server can kick
a player out by selecting his/her
name in the nicklist
and pressing the KICK button.
The server can also
ban someone from the server
completely by selecting
their nickname and pressing
Ban. For the ban to take
effect, you must kick them.
Also, when you click
on the player's nickname in
the list, (only if you're
a server) their IP will be shown
above the box.
To change the font of the main
partyline box, press
the right mouse button in the
window and then click
on the 'Change Font...' menu
You can also easily talk while
the game is going by
pressing ' T ' while
on the Playing Fields window and
then entering your message.
After you press return
the message will be broadcasted
to the rest of the
players and will be shown in
the black box near the
bottom. You can press
ESCAPE while putting text
in the edit box and it will
hide the edit box. When
you press ' T ', you
can start typing again.
A moderator is the first person
on a server whether
it is the person that is actually
operating the
server, or if the server isn't
playing, the first
player that connects to the
server. A moderator
person has a '*' next to their
nickname in the nickname
list on the partyline screen.
A moderator can
start/stop/pause/unpause games
on a server.
To play, you must have someone
be the TetriNET server.
The server should be fast so
the game isn't too lagged.
A 28.8 modem is great for a
fun TetriNET game.
The server can set all of the
settings available for
the game, and decides when the
game starts, etc.
Fill in your Nickname into the
correct edit box and any
options under that.
When you press the Block Occurancy
button on the server
screen, a window will pop up.
On this window you
can set how often the different
pieces and special blocks
appear (or not at all) throughout
the game. You enter in the
percentage for each piece/block.
100 means the piece/block
will appear every single time;
0 means it wont appear at all.
Note: All the percents
of the pieces and special blocks
must add up to be 100 percent
before you can play.
The ban box on the server screen
is where you can put
IPs of people you don't want
on your TetriNET server.
To ban a person, place only
their IP ADDRESS on its
own line in the ban box.
You can use wildcards like
'*' and '?' Besides NOT
allowing someone on the
server, you can also ALLOW certain
people on it with
the '!' prefix before a person's
IP. When you prefix
an IP with '!' in the ban box,
this overrides any other
bans in the box and lets the
person with this IP join.
If you put '*' as the first
line in the box (it bans
EVERYONE), and then put '!'
on a line
after that, the person with
that IP would be allowed
in but no one else would be.
When done, press the Start Server
button. Now players
can connect to your IP.
When a player connects, a join
message will be shown in the
partyline box. When a message
is added to the partyline box
and you are currently
on another screen, the partyline
button text will turn
green to notify you. When
everyone is ready to play,
click on the Start New Game
Originally, the levels of each
player are individual
and when a player's level increases,
only THEIR
level increases. The 'All
Have Players' Averaged
Levels' option will make all
players have the same
level throughout the game.
When a player's REAL
level increases, it is averaged
in with the rest
of the players' levels and that
is the ACTIVE level
of everyone on the server.
The server also has the option
to play or not to.
Enabling the 'Server Play' checkbox
on the server
screen will put yourself in
the game as player 1.
If there was any player on as
player 1, they are
kicked out. Unchecking
this box will take you
off and you will not play.
To speed up a game of TetriNET,
there is an option
on the server screen for after
a certain amount of
minutes playing, the game will
start adding lines
to all players every certain
amount of seconds. This
is useful to keep players on
your server if they lose
early and get bored.
Another option is the Classic
Multiplayer Rules. This
makes the game play like the
old 2 player gameboy
version of tetris. When
a player clears lines, lines
are added to everyone else's
field. If you clear 1 line,
no lines are added to everyone
else. If you clear 2 lines,
1 line is added to everyone
else. If you clear 3, 2 is
added. If you clear 4,
4 lines are added to everyone.
NOTE: This option is best
when you set the 'Special
Blocks Added at a Time'
option to '0'.
A client is just a person playing
that is not the server.
A client connects to a server.
Find the IP of a server with
people you want to play with
and put that in to the
correct edit box. Then
put your nickname in the
Nickname box and press the Connect
button. You should
then see the nicknames playing
pop up in the partyline
window and any teams the players
are on.
When the game has started, click
on the Show Fields
button and a window with all
6 fields will be shown.
The fields will be updated every
time a player's block
is placed onto their field to
keep everyone updated
on who's winning.
Teams are now possible in TetriNET.
You can now have
matches with 3 teams of 2 people
or whatever you want!
To be on a team, just fill out
the Team edit box
with the team you would like
to be on, if on a server
click the button right next
to the box to update your
team name. The team name
is not case-sensitive.
When you are on a team, if one
of the players that is
on your team wins a TetriNET
game, you win too and
your team name is placed in
the Win List instead of
your individual names.
St0rmCat was a little worried about the Tetris people being angry with
him for the name "Tetrinet" because of how close it was to "Tetris" So
expect a new name for Tetrinet with the new release!
The cheat commands AND the hex problem are to be fixed! So don't worry
about other people cheating on you! ;-)
Expect a whole new CONSOLE! Yup, those Not Pleasing To The Eye buttons
are to be changed, so expect a new graphical interface! From what St0rmCat
was saying, he was not too pleased with the console and thought it was
pretty ugly, which it was. So hopefully this new console will be way cool!
Type of Themes
The THEMES programming in Tetrinet will be totally changed and, from what
I heard, will be a little more complicated. Because of this, expect to
see a whole new THEMES EDITOR to be released by St0rmCat himself soon,
most likely with the new version of Tetrinet!
knows, maybe someday we'll trade TetriNet Skins ;-)
That's right, St0rmCat said something about Animations to be added in Tetrinet..
maybe it'll be in the special blocks (?) . That would ROCK! Who knows...?
Chat Features
New features will be added to the PartyLine feature! PRIVATE MESSAGING
and TEAM MESSAGING!!! So Teams, get your strategies ready!! It'll
be a war out there now... ;-)
in Special Blocks
The way you get Gravities, Nukes, Switches etc. may be changed. It may
be implemented that you will have to make a tetris, or a 2-liner or 3-liner
to get a chance to have a Gravity or a Nuke show up.
changes are just a few of what's to be expected of
New Tetrinet... Come on St0rmCat! Amaze us!
(If you haven't got an Unzipper then download THIS Self-Extracting executable)
You can find lots of IPs and information over