In here you can find Programs I've made by myself and Programs I've found which you may find interesting. Feel free to send me useful programs you've made or have to add here. Enjoy!
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1) All programs included in this web page are Virus Free, checked with Norton Anti virus (latest edition), McAfee, Thunder Byte, F-Prot and CPav. Feel free to check them yourself.

2) All programs in here are Copyrighted to their makers. I only claim ownership of Programs I've made (which are, of course, copyrighted to myself).

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Programs I've Made:

Unit Converter
A colored dos application that converts temperatures made by myself using Pascal. Supports Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin. For home use only, it doesn't support decimal or negative numbers.

Programs I've Found:

Win Zip
you must have this program to open 
the zipped programs included here 
-which are smaller than the actual files-
A program that helps you make files smaller by keeping them 'zipped'
Download the latest version of Win Zip from
IrFan View
The Best photo and media viewer around. It recognizes all photo files (even PSDs), WAVes, MIDis, AVIs and lots of others! It's a must have!
Wasted Time (unzipped)
Wasted Time (zipped)
A program that tells you how many minutes you've spent (wasted) in Windows. I don't think spending time in Windows is wasted, the maker of the program does.
Coke Gift (unzipped)
Coke Gift (zipped)
If you are too lazy to open your cd-rom drive, this program will do it for you when you run it. The maker of the program says it's a gift from Coca-Cola.
ShutDown (unzipped)
ShutDown (zipped)
If you are too lazy to shut down your computer by clicking Start=> Shut Down=> OK or ALT F4, then this program is made for you. It shuts down your Windows computer normally, just like the procedure mentioned above.