1) All programs included in this web page are Virus Free, checked with Norton Anti virus (latest edition), McAfee, Thunder Byte, F-Prot and CPav. Feel free to check them yourself.
2) All programs in here are Copyrighted to their makers. I only claim ownership of Programs I've made (which are, of course, copyrighted to myself).
Programs I've Made:
A colored dos application that converts temperatures made by myself using Pascal. Supports Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin. For home use only, it doesn't support decimal or negative numbers. |
Programs I've Found:
you must have this program to open the zipped programs included here -which are smaller than the actual files- |
A program that helps
you make files smaller by keeping them 'zipped'
Download the latest version of Win Zip from |
The Best photo and media viewer around. It recognizes all photo files (even PSDs), WAVes, MIDis, AVIs and lots of others! It's a must have! |
Wasted Time (zipped) |
A program that tells you how many minutes you've spent (wasted) in Windows. I don't think spending time in Windows is wasted, the maker of the program does. |
Coke Gift (zipped) |
If you are too lazy to open your cd-rom drive, this program will do it for you when you run it. The maker of the program says it's a gift from Coca-Cola. |
ShutDown (zipped) |
If you are too lazy to shut down your computer by clicking Start=> Shut Down=> OK or ALT F4, then this program is made for you. It shuts down your Windows computer normally, just like the procedure mentioned above. |