Be Careful! When you buy a computer you must make sure
that the place where you bought it from can be trusted to give you a guaranty
for it or else when the first problems start to appear, you're doomed.
Because don't fool yourselves... Problems will appear! It's like
streets being yet after rain, you can't avoid it. Sure, you can build the
perfect system with all the latest editions in Software but with variety
comes trouble. The only thing you can do is Face It!
First of all, you must make sure everything you
bought has a warranty and check out their capabilities. Read The Manuals!
You can't use something you've never seen before without reading all the
books the company puts in its box for you. Make sure you understand all
the terms and pay attention to How to Setup/Install and Troubleshooting.
Secondly, you should check if everything is OK. Maybe
something is missing or broken right from the start. At that point you
should notify the store where you bought the broken item from because They
Ought To Replace It! Remember to do this check every time you buy something
new because if you go on and use it then some annoying dealer could blame
you for it being faulty.
Lastly, if you have any more questions about the
item that the manual does not cover, you should get in touch with the Help
Center of the company that makes that item. Most of the companies have
one. You could also try their Web Site (should be mentioned somewhere
inside the manual). If you still can't figure out what to do, try Searching
The Internet for information concerning that object and I'm sure you'll
find them! Internet is the biggest "library" ever!