This is my web page about MP3s. In here you can find a FAQ about Mpegs, my MP3 Top-10 and some MP3 files that are not copyrighted (I don't want to break any laws). Enjoy!


- What are MP3s?

- What makes them differ from other sound file formats? (wav, ra etc.)

- What other options do they support?

- Can I make my own MP3s?

- Where can I find MP3s on the Internet?

- How can I listen to them?

- Are MP3s illegal?


- What are MP3s?
- Mpeg3 is a 3 year old file format that has to do with sound. The thing that made them popular was their quality in comparison with their size and other options. The Internet community loved them at once because everyone could download their favorite songs fast and with detailed sound. MP3s have much to offer and I'm sure that the only thing that will overcome them are MP4s (soon to come ;-)

- What makes them differ from other sound file formats? (wav, ra etc.)
- MP3s have CD Quality sound and their size is usually 1 MB per Minute which makes them pretty small and handy. This file format compresses data in such a way that wave files look childish. I'm not telling you to start compressing wavs to mp3s but if you want a whole song in your computer then mp3 is the solution. For example, let's take a 3 minute song. If you try to convert that song from cd track to a wave file then you'll get a 30 MB file with medium quality, that takes hours to load and just uses up valuable space in your hard disk. You can have the exact same song with better quality and much smaller (3 MB) just by converting it to mpeg3. MP3s are better than RAs too (real audio format) because their quality is far better than theirs and they load faster.

- What other options do they support?
- MP3 files have many special features. The most useful one are ID3 Tags Those are like labels that show the artist's name, the name of the song, the album, the year the song was recorded, the type of the song and maybe some extra information or comments. You can also see if the file is copyrighted, the length in bytes, the size in seconds and minutes, extras in sound (if any) and of course the Khz it is recorded at along with its stereo or mono capabilities. Some programs like WinAMP have special sound options which you can edit through the program's sound equalizer. There is another feature they support and it's called Playlists. You can choose which files to listen to and in which order. There is a shuffle and a replay button as well. Very useful!

- Can I make my own MP3s?
- Yes of course you can. You will only need a wave to convert and a wav-to-mp3 converter. Those programs are available on the Internet both Shareware and Freeware. There is a big variety for mp3 converters out there so just take your pick. Wanna search the WWW for those programs? Click Here!

- Where can I find MP3s on the Internet?
- Everywhere! MP3s are the most common used files after EXEs ;-)

First of all try the WWW:

Big MP3 Search Engines

Altavista & Yahoo!

Secondly, try the I.R.C. (don't you know what IRC is? Then Click Here to find out!)
Every server has an #Mp3 channel (or something related to that).
And of course, you can find Non Copyrighted mp3s right here, just to get a taste of how they feel like.

- How can I listen to them?
- You have to use an MP3 player. The most commonly used is WinAMP which you can also download from here as well. WinAMP can also open files like wav, mid, mod, mp2 and lots more if you wish to. A very useful program indeed.

WinAMP v2.09 (old version, you can find the current ver. over

- Are MP3s illegal?
- As long as you don't sell the mp3s or trade them for other songs then it's ok. Anyone can have mp3s in his computer without worrying about committing a crime. The thing that makes selling CDs with mp3s inside illegal is that sometimes people prefer to buy the mp3s cheaper and don't care about buying the actual CD. That is like Piracy! Instead of giving money to the people that really deserve it (the people singing) you make a person with a CD-R richer... plus, never forget, If you want to see the sequel, buy the original! Consider mp3s as samples... like a radio station, you listen to some songs and choose a band you like to buy the whole CD. Never replace actual CDs with MP3 files! That's why MP3s are considered illegal to some which makes it impossible for anyone to make a web page with actual mp3 songs inside unless they are non copyrighted (like here). Though, some companies have made arrangements with music companies to offer some tracks through the Internet using the MP3 format.

 Top 10

These are the MP3 songs of my collection that made it to my unique Top 10


Limp Bizkit
Nine Inch Nails
Smashing Pumpkins
Goo Goo Dolls
The Cure
Marilyn Manson

Current number of MP3s in Thunder's list:  3500


These are some Non Copyrighted MP3s from my collection that will make you understand how cool Mpeg3s really are. Enjoy!

ICQ Techno (if you know what ICQ is then you'll enjoy this one) 1.11MB
Microsoft Bells (Jingle Bells for Microsoft ;-) 246KB
TetrisMix(it will remind you of good old GameBoy Tetris) 414KB
 (you'll need WinZip to unzip the files first)

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